Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lab 2

1. Beverley Hills Quadrangle
2. Adjacent Quadrangles beginning with the north west: Canoga Park, Van Nuys,
    Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, Inglewood
3. 1995
4. Horizontal Datums: NAD 27 & NAD 83
    Vertical Datum: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
5. Scale 1 : 24000
6. a. 1/2400 = 5/x, x = 120000cm, x = 1200 meters on ground
    b. 1/2400 = 5/x, x = 120000in, 1mile/63360 = x/120000, x = 1.89 miles on
    c. 1/2400 = x/63360, x = 2.64 inches on map
    d. 1/2400 = x/300000, x = 12.5 cm on map
7. 20 ft

8. a. Public Affairs Building 13 in. from western border, 12.8 in. from north
        Quadrangle 26.25 in. total width, 32 in. total length
        x/7.5 = 13/26.25, x = 3.7143, 118º 30' - 3.7143 = 118º 26' 17'' West
        60'/1º = 26/x, 3600''/1º = 17/x, x = 0.4333 + x = 0.0047 = 0.4380, 118.4380º
        x/7.5 = 12.8/32, x = 3, 34º 7' 30'' - 3 = 34º 4' 30'' North
        60'/1º = 4/1, 3600''/1º = 30/x, x = 0.06667 + x = 0.00833 = 0.075, 34.075º
    b. Santa Monica 0.25 in. from western border, 30 in. from north
        x/7.5 = 0.25/26.25, x = 0.07143, 118º 30' - 0.07143(60) = 118º 29' 56'' West
        60'/1º = 29/x, 3600''/1º = 56/x, x = 0.4833 + x = 0.0156 = 0.5 = 118.50º West
        x/7.5 = 30/32, x = 7.03125, 34º 7' 30'' - 7.03125 = 34º 0º 28'' North
        60'/1º = 0/x, 3600''/1º = 28/x, x = 0 + x = 0.0078 = 34.0078º North

    c. Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir 19 in. from western border, 1 in. from north
        x/7.5 = 19/26.25, x = 5.4286, 118º 30' - 5.4286 = 118º 24' 34'' West
        60/1º = 24/x, 3600''/1º = 34/x, x = 0.4 + x = 0.00944 = 118.4094º West
        x/7.5 = 1/32, x = 0.2344, 34º 7' 30'' - 0.2344(60) = 34º 7' 16'' North
        60'/1º = 7/x, 3600''/1º = 16/x, x = 0.1166 + x = 0.0044 = 34.1212º North

9. a. Greystone Mansion 580ft / 176.78 meters
    b. Woodlawn Cemetery 140ft / 42.67 meters
    c. Crestwood Hills Park 650 ft / 198.12 meters
10. UTM Zone 11
11. UTM Easting 361000
      UTM Northing 3763000
12. 1000 x 1000 = 1,000,000 m^2
14. 14º / 249 miles
15. North to South

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